This course is suitable for anyone wishing to embark on a career as a qualified counsellor. It is also a useful course for anyone wanting to enhance their communication and listening skills, and develop their self awareness. You will learn the ability to ‘help’ using the core counselling skills, develop an aptitude to ‘help’ using the three core conditions and build up self awareness. 

Write your awesome label here.
  • Guided Learning Hours
    90 Hours
  • Cost
    £600 - to pay in full or £100 deposit (non-refundable) plus instalments throughout the course
  • Start Date
    September 2024
  • Day/Time
    Tuesday evenings 6.15pm-9.15pm
  • Tutors
    Carol Harmston-Dean/Jane Payton

Everything you need to know


  • Our training centre has been awarded outstanding with commendation for the last 8 years running
  • We are partnered with NCC Education Ltd, an Ofqual regulated and internationally recognised awarding organisation. NCC Education endorse, validate and certificate all JHD courses  
  • Our tutors are experienced training practitioners and current practicing counsellors 
  • Our tutors mirror the client-counsellor relationship 

"JHD are once again commended for maintaining their outstanding standards and quality of teaching and assessment. Reaching standards of excellence requires commitment, strong management and experienced tutors who can use their skills of teaching and assessment to prepare students and trainees for practice within the counselling arena. It requires more of the same to retain those standards - this Report can confirm that JHD have been successful in furthering their reputation as a centre of excellence in the delivery of its suite of counselling training programmes, which are now recognised by the NCC Education Ltd. JHD is once again commended for its outstanding performance as a Counselling Training Provider."


Course details:
Start date: September 2024
Time: Tuesdays 6:15pm - 9:15pm 
End date: June 2025
Duration: 1 year course spanning over 30 weeks. Our courses are term-time only. All courses run subject to a suitable number of students applying and being accepted.

Study method: Weekly live, online sessions with fellow students and one of our highly experienced tutors
Course requirements: A computer with internet access
Age requirement: 19+

Deposit: £100 upon booking (non-refundable)
Total course cost: £600.00
Finance options:
Option 1 - course paid in full
Option 2 - monthly instalments of £50.00 starting in September until completion in June. 

No hidden costs. The above cost is inclusive of all tutoring, course materials, marking, help and support for accessing our online sessions and an NCC Education endorsed certificate.

Level 2 Course Specification - During this course you will learn all the below elements:

Unit One: Develop an ability to 'help' using the core counselling skills within strict, ethical boundaries:

  • Understand the importance of contracting
  • Reflect on personal moral qualities and safe ethical practice
  • Demonstrate an understanding of commencing a 'helping' relationship
  • Develop and explore an awareness of personal limitations
  • Show an understanding of the importance of self-care
  • Demonstrate core counselling skills to begin, develop and maintain a helping interaction
  • Demonstrate a 'helping' interaction within a structured framework
  • Reflect on the importance of endings
  • Reflect on personal responses to endings

Unit Two: Introduction to Carl Rogers and the Person-Centred approach to counselling:
  • Understand the meaning of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard
  • Reflect on own responses to beliefs and values around issues of difference and diversity
  • Reflect on differences between helper and helpee which may affect the helping interaction
  • Demonstrate empathic understanding within a helping interaction Demonstrate non-judgement within a helping interaction
  • Demonstrate congruence within a helping interaction
  • Reflect on the difficulties of demonstrating the 3 core conditions within a helping interaction

Unit Three: Developing Self-Awareness:

  • Develop a greater sense of self
  • Develop an understanding of personality and history and how it has shaped the present
  • Demonstrate leaving own reactions aside to focus on the helpee
  • Develop awareness of self during the helper role
  • Demonstrate how greater self-awareness enhances the role of the helper.

Assessment methods:
  • Reflective weekly journals
  • Peer and tutor observations
  • Research task
  • Homework assignments
  • Skills assessment
  • 1-2-1 tutorial
Please see the progression routes below after Level 2. Upon completion of Level 2 students will need to enrol on a Level 3 course, there are two different options for this.

To then become fully qualified students also need to complete the Level 4 Diploma, again please see the options below for this course upon completion of Level 3.
Level: Intermediate
Dates: Evening course September - June
Total course hours: 150 hours
Cost: £2000.00

Overview: Our level 3 course will develop your counselling skills and give you a deeper understanding of counselling theories.
There are 3 core units which cover:

  • Developing counselling skills
  • Counselling approaches within the 3 main theoretical models
  • Personal developments

Dates: Evening course September - June, over 2 years
Total course hours: 240 hours
Cost: £4000.00

 There are 6 core units which cover:
  • Developing a core Humanistic model
  • Working with children and young people
  • Preparing for working with clients safely and ethically
  • Working within a counselling organisation
  • Supervision
  • Self-awareness


Level: Intermediate
Dates: Full day course Sept - June, over 2 years
Total course hours: 150 hours
Cost: £6000

The difference
Our level 3/4 course covers all of the above elements and starts to cover level 4 during your first year. During the second year it covers all of the above level 4 elements. 
Our level 3/4 runs over one full day a week for two years.


Level: Advanced
Dates: Full day course September - June, over 1 year
Total course hours: 240 hours
Cost: £4000

The difference
Our level 4 fast track course covers all of the above elements but takes place over one full day a week for 1 year.


Thank you for reading about our Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills course.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us 

Email: secretary@jhdcounselling.co.uk
Training location: on Zoom

Course reviews

Hello everyone and thank you for listening to my JHD journey. I’m retired from the police and thought I knew everything about communication…how wrong I was. Level 2 delivered by the wonderful Brenda and Juliet gave me an absolute thirst to learn more…I knew a lot about questioning but needed polishing up on those listening skills…Level 3/4 sign up. I with many others on my lovely level 2 course started Madingley Hall and Zoom, every Thursday and one Saturday a month. I love how the amazing Sue and Isha make you think. Their delivery is all about making the learning something to look forward to. Is it hard ? It’s a challenge, is it rewarding? Absolutely…has it changed me? It’s opened my eyes, ears and given me way more empathy…would I recommend ..in a heartbeat. When I’m qualified I look forward to giving back, with JHD and probably charity work. You can’t always change what’s happened to someone, but you can change how they feel about it.

JHD Student 2020-present
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